Friday, November 30, 2007

Wa finally do shopping for the frst time... It is not an easy job... Must walk around find the cheapest then find which one can be used for BBQ. Such a tiring job, but quite fun.

Today have my POM quiz and Comm Skill 2 test. the test was quite easy as for the quiz got 18/20. Glad that i can do well. Must go study again...

flew into my heart at 9:17 PM

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday... Super SIAN!!

Such a long day la. Lesson from 9 in the morning till 6 in the evening. Worst thing is that we only have an hour lunch break. Why can't we have lesser subjects to take then we wont be so busy le...

Today for sociology, teacher has implemented a new rule. A new rule that I dreaded a lot. Our sociology class has been a very quiet and non-participative class. In order to make us talk more, teacher will give us each a matchstick. Before we speak up or answer a question, we will return him the matchstick. At the end of the lesson, if we still have the matchstick, we will have marks deducted from our class participation marks. Super sian la. Now must speak up in class instead of slacking...

Tommorow have to do a quiz and sit for communiction skills paper. Wish me luck to pass and do well.

flew into my heart at 7:11 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wow it has been along time since i blog le.

Reason because:
1) I have no time
2) I am lazy
3) Busy Dotaing

Reason why I blog again:
1) Form of distress
2) To vent my anger
3) Blog is like someone i can talk to

This two weeks I will be very busy with quiz, test and projects. Time flies so quickly. It seems like school have just reopen yet the mid semester exam are coming. And I am not prepared for it at all. How?

But at least there is something good i can look forward to. It is the secondary school class BBQ. Can't wait for next week...

flew into my heart at 7:15 PM


Welcome to my blog, hope you all will like it.


Dennis Lim.
18 years old.
Currently studying in Temasek Poly.
Live in a family of 4.
Have one idiotic younger brother.


Spending time with secondary school classmates.
Spending time with my cousins and Xiao Jiu.
Reading comics.
Eating, sleeping, practically everything other than those things I hate.


Projects and home work.
Apple polishers.
Currently only these, if there are more, I will add them.


My own bedroom.
Go on more holidays.
Have a younger sister. Woot!





*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*May 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*April 2009
*May 2009


pic | mini_ds aka can tiao hai | blog | blogskins |
layout *partial thanks to | chengcheng |
program | photoshop 7 | brushes |