Thursday, December 27, 2007

Have been too lazy to post yesterday, because I just cannot stop myself from watching heros... Too tempting to watch one episode after another, so...

Christmas eve as usual will be a period of gift exchange. But because I have received my presents before hand, it is not so important to me. What I have look forward to is the dinner and staying over at my uncle's house. We have satay, spring chicken, hor fun, fried rice, fried noodle and more for our dinner. Everything was peaceful, Not much contact with the person I hated a lot. Another relieving thing is that, She is not staying over. We were planning beforehand methods and plans to make her not stay, but in the end, she herself went to orchard road which make our job easier.

flew into my heart at 8:59 AM

Monday, December 24, 2007

Have been staying over at my uncle house on Saturday night again. This would usually take place when we go out shopping. We went shopping for christmas gift, (last minutes christmas gift). And i finally finish buying all the gifts, a load off my mind.

Tonight, I will be staying over again, and i hope that the stupid someone will not stay over.

flew into my heart at 10:59 AM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Have stayed over at my er yi house on wednesday, but so sad Jeryl and Joey did not stay over... But it was still quite fun after all. Thursday was my er yi birthday and we have a BBQ at her house. We have sting ray, prawns and the other usual stuff. Everthing was happening except for one thing, ***** was there and it just dampen my mood...

Actually, it is not really the person fault, maybe is just because i dont really like her and she did things that make me hate her more so the hatred just get deeper and deeper. But other than that everthing was fine.

Today, (or should i say yestrday)i went to the Singapore Flyer and esplanade to meet the ceo and manager in charge respectively. At first I thought we are allowed to board the Singapore flyer but... Nonetheless, we manage to get into one of the cabin and see how it actually looks like (except for the scenic view). I recommend all of u to go there cause it is really a very nicely decorated place, as for the ride, I wont really advise you to go on it cause it is quite expensive .

Next we went to the esplanade. It was plan that we would meet the CEO and then have a short trip, but we overrun in the QnA session. There is nothing really fascinating about there just that it is unusual to see a CEO wearing a tight T-shirt and skinies jeans. It was quite shocking cause it does not portray an image of a CEO.

What I have learn today: Never take teacher as a role model.
Because they do not do what they say. "put your phone on silent mode" Yet they didnt. And it is embarrassing when it disrupt the CEO speech...

flew into my heart at 12:11 AM

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Went shopping with my Xiao Jiu yesterday. A trip to shop for chritmas present. Actually, it is to accopany me to buy chritmas present but he ended up spending more than me. I think he spend close to 200, if I am not wrong.

So envious of him la. How I hope I can be as rich as him next time. He has everything he needs and wanted. See anyting he likes jiu buy liao. No need like us, must think of whether we have enough to spend or not, think of this think of that. HAIZ!

flew into my heart at 5:03 PM

Monday, December 17, 2007

If you all did not notice, I have just had one of my wish fulfilled. So happy, finally have my PSP, slim somemore, since everything is going slim nowadays. It is piano black, though it is not really the first choice of colour that I wanted, but never mind, I still love it. It is a christmas present from my uncle to me and my brother, but you know as a elder brother we have more privileage. Muahaha!!

Have been staying at my uncle's house over the weekend with my cousin. Lady luck have been showered over me (maybe over my brother too). I manage to win near to 10 dollars while my brother won around seven, over the weekend. Haha, extra money to buy christmas present.

flew into my heart at 5:38 PM

Friday, December 14, 2007

Haiz just came back from school. Damn tired and depressed... I dont know is it because I am too tired thats why I am in a lousy mood, or because of personal problems that causes this.

What personal problems do i have now? Erm let me think...

1)projects (too stress up by these). Being a leader is not so easy. Have to take charge of most of the things and report, collate all the work. One word to describe it "SIAN".

2)something that I dont want to mention (quite shocking but still ok if I can handle it well)

3)thinking whether will I regret buying a PSP

But at least I can look on the bright side.

1)Now is my holiday ( although have holiday = no holiday ).

2)Tmr can go out watch movie. Spend time with friends.

Ya trying to lie to myself and cheer myself up. HAHA I am going insane le.

flew into my heart at 2:52 PM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

So shuang the exams is finally over le! The first paper is still quite ok but the last two are quite hard. I dont think I can do as well as last semester, but i shall try hard.

Haha I know YL you want to know when I and Orange start to go together. Now i shall tell you. Today is our one year annivesary. Quite saddening. We are not able to spend it together, cause she still have exam... But still ok we are celebrating on Saturday. Going to catch a movie, so you all guys also must come.

flew into my heart at 9:27 PM

Thursday, December 6, 2007

So shuang. finally have my class bbq. it is so fun. Finally get to see my true friends. But the sad thing is that we never take any photos.

The BBQ starts from monday all the way to wednesday.But I have lesson in between... But that did not dampen my mood. The first day we spend most of our watching a series show. It is a taiwanese show and is super funny. Talking about four brothers and the way they fall in love with the other four girls. Funny thing is that there are strict rules that stop boys to get too close with the girls.

The second night we have our BBQ. The food are purchase, marinate and prepare by me. Though the food is not the best but still acceptable. The fish was the best.

Today I finish my two presentation and one test. All of them went quite smoothly except for my Japanese presentation. Get screw up in the middle, but hope i can pass...

flew into my heart at 7:16 PM


Welcome to my blog, hope you all will like it.


Dennis Lim.
18 years old.
Currently studying in Temasek Poly.
Live in a family of 4.
Have one idiotic younger brother.


Spending time with secondary school classmates.
Spending time with my cousins and Xiao Jiu.
Reading comics.
Eating, sleeping, practically everything other than those things I hate.


Projects and home work.
Apple polishers.
Currently only these, if there are more, I will add them.


My own bedroom.
Go on more holidays.
Have a younger sister. Woot!





*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*May 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*April 2009
*May 2009


pic | mini_ds aka can tiao hai | blog | blogskins |
layout *partial thanks to | chengcheng |
program | photoshop 7 | brushes |