Saturday, May 10, 2008

Today was not a smooth day for me. waking up too late, leaving me no time to study, having a hard day at work and meeting an idiotic customer.

First scenario:
He was talking to himself quite loudly making me rather irritated but i cannot stop him. After that he started to talk to me. " Boy ah any cheap ice cream youwill recommend me?" Of course i will start by introducing to him the ice cream that were on promotion. The best deal in our shop is the kings ice cream, buy one get one free. He says no to kings because he was looking for walls ice cream which comes with a free bag. That is still ok, i proceed on to the 2 walls ice cream which were also on promotion, the mini poopers and moos sandwich ice cream. His first reply "boy ah i said i wanted ice cream" "Where got icream round and shape like a sandwich de" I was totally speechless. I wonder if he is a mountain tortoise or he has no television at home.

Second Scenario:
That same guy continue to pester me to introduce to him more ice cream. He say he wanted ice cream produced from other countries. I introduce him to Dreyers which came from Hong Kong, then he reply are you sure this is not produced locally. I have no choice but to point out to him the country of production. Then he complained "ice cream from Hong Kong cost 8 dollars plus? I cannot belive it" To avoid more conflict and wasting of my time i pass him the hiagen diaz ice cream to shut his mouth. He say "that was too expensive. Do you have other country ice cream which is going at a cheap price." I gave him a reply "sorry sir in fact all the ice cream we carry are produced in other country, may I know what is the price range you are looking at?" He bacame silent for a moment. To break the silence I introduced him to our house brand ice cream which is the cheapest. The problem did not end here.

Third scenario:
Even for our that particular ice cream he must also find fault. He purposely chose the flavour that has been sold out. I have no choice but to go into the freezer and search for it. Upon returning, then he said that he did not really like this flavour. I feel like boxing him. WTH la tell me to take that flavour from the freezer then you say you dont like it. Idiotic ass.

flew into my heart at 10:32 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008

WOW!! A long time since i have blog... As usual due to laziness. But nonetheless due to stress and worries i decided that i should return to blogging as it is the only way to relieve it.

Holiday is over, in fact this is the third week into school. The special thing is that this semester i will have all my lessons in the tourism academy at Sentosa. New class new environment, it was initially hard for me to adapt. But now I am used to it. The current class I am in very good. In fact it is better than the last one. This class has the most number of jokers and they can talk about anything under the sun.

There is a tutorial which I hated a lot. I just cannot stand the teacher. ****** is the word that suits her absolutely. "Just tell me the true, I promise I wont scold and scream at you all". 10 seconds later, "ok since you dont agree with what i have say then prove it" "are you trying to challenge me". That is like what the hell. stating a fact became a challnge to her? Wont scold wont scream... what a liar...

flew into my heart at 8:29 PM


Welcome to my blog, hope you all will like it.


Dennis Lim.
18 years old.
Currently studying in Temasek Poly.
Live in a family of 4.
Have one idiotic younger brother.


Spending time with secondary school classmates.
Spending time with my cousins and Xiao Jiu.
Reading comics.
Eating, sleeping, practically everything other than those things I hate.


Projects and home work.
Apple polishers.
Currently only these, if there are more, I will add them.


My own bedroom.
Go on more holidays.
Have a younger sister. Woot!





*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*May 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*April 2009
*May 2009


pic | mini_ds aka can tiao hai | blog | blogskins |
layout *partial thanks to | chengcheng |
program | photoshop 7 | brushes |