Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So many things takes place today. I don't really know where to start... So confused now... Never mind lets start from the morning.

When I went to work, they told me that my department is hiring a full-time de. I don't know is it a good news or bad news. Hiring a full-time staff would lessen my workload, but my work position will be threatened. Makes me like very disposable like that... (Can anytime fire me...)

Two of my colleagues are leaving soon. Very sad la. One is from the veggie department de, the other is from fruits de... Haiz! I was the one who wanted to quit, but nvr expect that they leave earlier than me la. So sad. Haiz totally dampens my mood la. They always take care of me de, they leave le I will have no on to talk to le. (No more cheap veggie to buy, no more free fruits to eat. No more free sample...HAIZ HAIZ!!!)

Today internal auditor also came to check. WTF LA. CB why must choose today. Though she is very pretty la but spoils my day means spoil my day. Cannot be forgiven. She come jiu make everybody so busy. I have to rush to keep my stocks. ensure that pricing are correct, sign all the neccessary documents.(All must be done when she is not around. Make me look like a thief!!! Make me so damn tired...)

But at least something goods happens today. Finally have a chance to go out with my secondary school classmates le. Woots! Went out with Vic, June, YL And my GF to have steamboat. Dont really know the shop name, but it is opposite the shaw centre. For a $15 dollars buffet it is quite worth it. Got quite a variety of food. (At least I filled my stomach. (Vic go cook the watermelon using the steamboat LOL! But cook le also no diff la...) After that went to starbucks to have some coffee... (Don't really want to go de, but rain ma, then no choice, must wait for the rain to get smaller...)

Actually the outing did not really turns out that good... The atmosphere very weird. The guys so quiet, nvr really talk just eat and eat only. And many other things crops up. Make my day worse. But I shall not mention it...

Thanks PRIS for lending me your listening ear and your comfort and cheering me up. Thanks a lot! BTW you are SMART! HAHA!

flew into my heart at 11:38 PM

Monday, September 29, 2008

Don’t really want to blog de… But Desmond la ask me blog so no choice. Actually I attempted to type something for 4 times today (Including this, it is the fifth le) But it is fruitless. My life is really boring nothing special takes place so cannot blame me… Thats all for today LOL! HAHA!

flew into my heart at 9:41 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I got to say HI to my muscle ache, shoulder ache and back pain le… Today's work was fucking tiring, Keep carrying things only, all the way from morning till 4p.m. They really know how to fully utilized the cheap labor sia. I one person must do 3 departments de work. Haiz really regretted saying yes to work from 7a.m. to 3p.m. for Saturdays… (BTW the one hour extra is no OT de. Is the delivery come too late then I have to stay back. FUCK LA) Nonetheless, work was fun cause today is the security officer de birthday. He treat us to DonutMaster the donut quite nice la but I still prefer Donut Factory de. (He very poor thing la, BD still have to work. Actually is off day de la…)

Came back home sleep, eat and play… Same routine. And I FINALLY have a DOTA match with my brother le. (Cause Mummy always don’t allow him to play) And I realize that I can really work with him la. I can predict his every move. LOL Very good team work sia.

Sian Mummy niaming again… Better go off le….


flew into my heart at 11:01 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008

Today wake up jiu start to rain le. My day just did not start the right way. Even though from my house to my workplace takes only about 5 mins walk, I still get my jeans so soaked up (my bag too, even though I had an umbrella). The moment I step into the freezer, I cannot take it my leg totally went numb, so I decided by myself that today I shall switch department and go to help the fruits section LOL! (become manager le! Woots!)

Today the BIG BOSS came down to the store to do spot-check. WTF la!!! Came down at 9a.m. this morning and he expect the shelve to be full. CB no brainer ass only know how to complain. The shop closes at 10p.m. and our work also ended at 10p.m., you never give OT expect us to stay back every single day to help you replenish until full le then go home ah! (We not so stupid de hor! You think free labor ah? Even if you give OT also so little you think worth it? Na Bei)  Morning also no time to do la. Must do all the fresh veggie all these. If he think so easy why don’t he get his fucking ass off his fucking comfortable chair and come down to work.

And moreover don’t he have eyes to see that we are short of staff. For the veggie and fruits department, there is no one in the night shift and I have to juggle between both department… What sales not good must cut cost. Cut his lan jiao la. Usually if there is too many things to do  we will stay back to complete the work, then will have OT. Now don’t want give OT anymore so don’t expect us to stay back and help you. Such an ingrate and money miser, “guo he chai qiao”, I won’t go the extra mile to help him de. (CB everyday stay back half an hour, plus we came earlier, that makes a very big amount. So he should be grateful. Don’t always because of small things jiu complain.)

flew into my heart at 9:14 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today’s work is so tiring . So many departments de stocks plus suppliers all came, then everybody was so busy. I was not spared too… Work all the way till 5 no water break no toilet break, cannot even SLACK!!! But nonetheless work was fine.

Just get to know another stunning fact about my supervisor. Cannot believe that he actually know how to play bowling. Thought he is those type that work then go home (no life type of people). And I heard that he is quite good at it. LOL Cannot believe la!

Haiz… Everybody are counting down to the weekends but this weekend nothing special leh. No programs, cannot meet my cousins and I am going to stay at home (plus work some more. Sian shang jia Sian). The earliest I am going to meet them is going to be next Wednesday, but I am working the afternoon shift… Damn it.

God save me please! I am like a programmed robot. Every single day seems the same. Routine daily activities… Please add some colors to my life. ARGHH!!!

flew into my heart at 8:21 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Damn pissed off today. ARGHH!!! Some idiotic no brainer ass nearly get me injured la. WTF! Placing 4 heavy basket on an unstable base. A slight push and it makes everything topple down. @#$%^&@%# Nothing to say. I was lucky enough to dodge it in time and the basket only lands on my foot. Other than that, work was fine.

Afer work, continue with clearing up my desktop. Just some touch up, deleting some unused programs and now my lappy is so organised. But not really used to it sia. (opening a file is so troublesome now, cause I dont know which folder I have saved it in. LOL!)

Shall stop here. TV time! TV here I come!

flew into my heart at 8:52 PM

As you call can see from the time, it is only 5.45a.m. and why I am in front of the computer???

It has been such a long time since I woke up this early, woke up at 4a.m. (if I did not remember wrongly, the last time I woke up this early is when I am in my secondary school, even at that tine also not so early la...)

Decided to start cleaning my laptop (as in clearing the files and documents all these and I realise I still have year 1.1 de projects in my lappy... AND there are also a lot of junks!) Dennis must be more organised ok? LOL Tideous work sia, must organised all the programs into different files, copy and paste, so sian la, take such a long time.

Shall not talk le, must prepare to go to work soon...

flew into my heart at 5:40 AM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quite happy today cause there is a change in my work schedule. I will be working the morning shift tmr (I will not be missing any of my television shows. Woot!) Having to sleep early so I have no choice but to blog now.

From this saturday onwards, I will also be working from 7a.m. to 3p.m. that means can go out earlier le. Cousns you all get my hint. HAHA!

Damn it! I havent get my payslip for August yet and it is already coming to the end of September. WTF! Why is it taking so long to process my salary. ARGHHH!

Television show starting le so I got to go now. Go enjoy my deserts and ice-cream at the same time. Woots!

flew into my heart at 8:09 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

Just wasted an off day. Sleep, eat and play computer. Got off day no off day also no diff la. (WTF!) Just wasting my life away. Maybe I should really start to make a plan for my future. I am not young and no longer a child anyore. I should really become more mature.

Just looked at my portfolio this afternoon and I realised that I have got no accomplishment yet and I AM 18. I should really get more certs that can go inside my portfolio.

Actions speaks louder than words, so I shall start planning and thinking now. So don't disturb me! HAHA

flew into my heart at 11:22 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

LOL! have another round of steamboat after work. (To finish the leftover, but I don't think we have finished all) I will become fatter if I continue this type of eating habit every week (especially when I don't exercise nowadays). Nonetheless the meal is super fun and sumptuous.

Went home quite early today because of the football match... So I went for some round of Mahjong. Lady luck is on my side! Woots!

The 6 Tai AND

The 8 Tai

So happy now. Muahaha! But what is the use... Also not real money... Haiz... Quite bored now, WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!

flew into my heart at 10:39 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

LOL! today my supervisor treat me to cake, then we like on very good terms le... Maybe is because I say I not quittung le bah. But still not use to this, the atmosphere is super strange. Nonetheless, today's work is fun and relaxing cause the goods not much.

After work, went to my uncle house to have steamboat. Woot! Continue from last week de. But without our parents it is so much fun. Especially for Joey no control at all. Haha.

Just have BreadTalk de mooncake (like 5 mins ago) and he had two. (The mooncakes really very nice, got sweetcorn,yam and coconut de. New flavour sia) Now he still complain hungry want instant noodle. LOL! His stomach darkhole lai de any amount of food he also can take.

flew into my heart at 10:51 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Such a long day for me and a lot of things happen...

I spoilt my house TV. LOL. Spoil it yesterday night so I have to miss all my television shows for today. But still not so bad, cause I have asked my uncle to record it down for me already. (But my poor father got nothing to do, so went to sleep super early)

Get to know about the past of my supervisor from the Meiji milk supplier.
*Came from Kallang Bahru Branch
*Well known for doing nth (leave everything for his lackeys to do)
*Likes to complain about the suppliers, even the F&N supplier also mention this to me. (Shortage jiu complain, typical Singaporean)
Now I know why all the suppliers don't like him

The Meiji supplier is so good. Told me that I can just take the milk and yoghurt off the selling area and drink. Just leave the empty bottle so he can collect and write them off. But don't let the Security Officer and Supervisor know. LOL! (I not so greedy la, will pay for what I drink de.)

I have decidd not to quit my job. Woot! my problem is finally solved. HAHA!

flew into my heart at 11:21 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Actually not in the mood of blogging these few days. Seeing my cousin being so moody, it also affected my mood. All has to be blamed on the F****** JERk. If I ever know of any evil curse that will work, I will sure cast it on him. (best is to let him lose his *****, become an eunuch, then no more male hormones, then cannot flirt around, cannot two-timer le) or (disappear from the surface of the earth as well as from her memories).

Cannot wait till Saturday where we will meet again. Just hope that she will try to be happy and forget about those things. We will always support you de PRIS.

flew into my heart at 11:27 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008

Late posting: 14th September 2008

Woke up 6.15 this morning just to go to work. Wth! I thought Sunday should be a rest day whereby we would be waking up super late. Feel like a suker here.

Work was fine. And I realise that my brain is really deteriorating and very badly. One min ago I have my name tag in my hand and in the next min, I forget where I place it. (Name Tag officially lost, case closed)

Dinner should be fun. Steamboat!!! But not really in the mood for it. (I am actually losing my appetite. WTF!) Something is just not right with me. But I just cannot explain what is wrong...

flew into my heart at 12:24 PM

Late posting: 13th September 2008

Work was F****** tiring. Work until my leg become like jelly like this. Totally no strength at all. Damn my fucking supervisor, F*** it. Everytime he off day jiu order so much goods, two pallet (64 items = 3 lockage). Can't he even see that the freezer and chiller is already full of stocks le.

But at least something good happens that day. Went to Sakae Sushi, with my uncle and cousin. I couldn't really remember all the funny things that happen there, but i know that we have a very fun dinner and some special services too.

Haiz my brain is failing me nowadays... Forget to punch my card before starting work, not once but four times already for just this week. (4 out of the 6 working days)

flew into my heart at 12:02 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Waking up 1 hour before work, took a quick bath, quick breakfast cum lunch and I have to rush off to work again. My day just did not start right...

When I reach my workpace, the stocks have arrived. (WTF! I thought I still can slack for a while...) Work non-stop frm 12 to 5, don't even have the time for water break. Feeling dehydrated and famished, I just cannot wait to go home. It is such a torture.

Despite all these negative factors, I still feel quite happy, because I just get praised.

First case:
The customer was asking me which ice-cream is nice and can I recommend it to her. With such a great oppotunity for me to practice good customer service, why not? To cut the long story short, I try to sell as much as I can. And the customer was very happy that she praised that my service is excellent and Iam very knowledgable about my product.

Second case:
I was stocking up the goods in the selling area. From the corner of my eye, I saw a lady quickly withdrawing her hand and grasping her finger. Without hesitation, I went forward to assist her. Upon knowing that she got cut by our product, I offer her a plaster and help to dress her cut. After that I apologise to her about the incident. Although this isn't a very big deal, she was gateful and thank me for the extra mile I have went.

Just don't know why... No matter how depressed or angry I am that day, if I was praised by a customer, it would liven up my mood. :D

flew into my heart at 11:42 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Student : 0702285H LIM BOON KIAT DENNIS
Academic Year : 2008/2009, April Semester

BAF2001 Accounting for Hospitality & Tourism (B)
BHT2008 Business Etiquette & Service Excellence (Distinction)
BLR2001 Introduction to Leisure & Recreation (B)
BLR2002 Attractions Management (B)
BLR3002 Resort Operations & Management (B)
BMK1001 Basics of Entrepreneurship (Pass)
GCD1002 Applied Principles for Effective Living 2 (Pass)

Total Credit Units earned to-date : 74 cu
Cumulative Grade Point Average obtained to-date : 3.32

That is my results as you all can see above. Not really that well done. I expected to get at least an A for my Accounting de, but quite depressing to say that I fall short from it by two grades. (WTF la, still very confident after the paper de)

As for the other 3Bs, still can accept la. No C jiu ok le. But was actually hoping for a B+ for my Resort Operations & Management.

My GPA still remains the same, 3.32. A sign for me to work extra hard for my next semester le, if not I will not be able to achieve a GPA of at least 3.5 when I graduate. (Stress! Stress!)

flew into my heart at 11:26 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Woke up early this morning just to listen to my mother nagging. The course start at 8.30a.m., she 6.30a.m. jiu start niaming why I havent wake up... In the end no choice, cannot stand her niaming so I pull myself out from bed.

(WTF! The lesson start at 9a.m. not 8.30a.m. and I was told to reach by 8 a.m., 1 more hour of sleep la. DAMN IT!)

But the course went on smoothly, it was held by an external facilitator which is more fun (A lot of long breaks). The facilitator mention something that I think was very true. "Our country not only mutli-racial, it has become mutli-national now"

My supervisor did not told me that there would be a test at the end of the workshop. So I got a shock when I was there. Not only got test, still got practical and oral assessment... But luckily a smart person like me has no problems (a bit hao lian here huh!).

First to finish the test and with full marks (Woots! Well Done Dennis! Pat on the shoulder. LOL!). Scrape through the practical and oral assessment, and I am proud to say that I have passed the food hygiene course. This will aid in building up my pathetic portfolio which only have 3 certs currently...

I was told that if I were to go for all the course and get all the certs given by Singapore Workforce Development Agency, I would get a diploma. Maybe I should go and attend the courses, helps out in my career.

flew into my heart at 11:11 PM

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sian got one bad news... Did not uccessfully fall sick, which means that I have to attend the course tommorrow. Haiz! must ren ming le.

Another day just wasted like that. Did nothing meaningful, just wasting my life away. WAIT! WAIT! I did do something "meaningful" today. Have some serious thinking whether should I continue working or not, so I should blog about the conclusion I have come to...

*More money
*Can do more leisure activities
*If I work, I do not have much time to enjoy myself
*Earn money also cannot enjoy

*A lot of free time. Woots!
*Can do a lot of things I like
*No money to do the things I want. (Damn it)

Conclusion: no matter which one I choose I also canot enjoy myself. WTF!!!

Just wasted my brain juice as well as my time... Sianzzz. Shouldn't think anymore, just wait for my result to come out before I make my decision.

RESULTS out this THURSDAY!!! Pray hard that I will do well!

flew into my heart at 11:24 PM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stayover at my uncle house, was the really fun thing I look forward to. Freedom, no stress, no nagging, totally NIRVANA. Woots! Just hope I can go every Saturday even if there is nothing to do there. Just sleep also very shuang.

Came back from work jiu quickly rush to his house le. Cause they have prepare my breakfast cum lunch. Super hungry, so I ate a lot. The curry chicken cooked by my aunty is too delicious that I cannot control myself and I have three bowls of it. (gain quite a lot of weight recently, must slim down le...)

After lunch, we have a game of majhong (viwawa). It is the first time my uncle is playing it and I think he addicted le. LOL! I pity all the people that were playing with us... Cause three of us (me, uncle and Pris) keep helping each other win.

Dota, maple and Viwawa, time pass by so quickly and now I am at home in front of the computer... Reach home mother jiu start to niam le... No matter what problem she also can link with me staying over at my uncle house de. (WTF! Headache only correct got link with staying over?)

Think I falling sick soon... Flu, headache then when the fever comes, WOW then i will be officially sick. Then this Tuesday jiu no need go for the course le. Shuang!

flew into my heart at 10:13 PM

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A good news, work did not turn out too badly for me, but I realise that nowadays time pass by too slowly while I am working. Can anybody explain to me the reason why this is happening...

I have learn more about the course I am going to attend this Tuesday. It is about food hygiene, not really that bad as I have expected before. But still I do not really feel like going. (But no choice, I cannot run away this time, unless I really fall sick. Haiz.)

Feeling very tired now (still have to work tmr... WTF!!!). So I shall call it a day. Watch TV time.

1 more day. I cannot wait anymore...

flew into my heart at 9:15 PM

Dont know which bloody idiot woke me up from my sweet dreams... Damn her! (confirm is a she, 100% sure though I was half asleep HAHA!) Only say Hello jiu gua wo de dian hua. Phone the wrong number at least say "Sorry wrong number" ma. She should go and attend my business etiquette lesson... Instill some phone manners into her.

So tired now, not enough sleep, later still have to work, today is bond to be a bad day for me. I realise that nowadays I seems to be running out of luck, everything seems to go against me. Please lady luck please return to me... Haiz!

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it" by Henry Ford.

I happen to come across this phrase while tidying my lecture notes. An encouragement for me as well as those who are feeling down, especially my cousin Pris. Dont sad ok.

flew into my heart at 10:39 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tiring and long day from work. In fact it is not vey long, just 5 hours, but my back is breaking already. Having to bend down and check all the products and see if they have expired or gone bad... Such stupid and brainless job, though I was paid to do it, I still think I am wasting my life away. (Is $4.53* per hour worth it)

LOL take note of the 3 cents... Why is there a 3 cents, why not make it a full figure. Quite calculative huh!

Though tiring, I still enjoy working today. Because it is my supervisor off day. So shuang. Dont have those gan ga de feeling. Actually I prefer to work without his presence because that is the time when I can really try things out. I dont have to follow his orders, do things at my own pace and no pressure. In fact that is the time when I really learn a lot of things. I can try out with my own arrangement of the product, I can talk to the customers, assist them and persuade them to buy more. (Sense of satisfaction)

Haiz... My workplace is sending me for another course. Super sian. One whole day and I doubt I can learn anything. Better dont teach me any more about the history and culture. Freaking useless la. Damn it. Must think of a smart and tactful way to escape from this agony.

flew into my heart at 11:11 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I did not sleep very well last night. Have been thinking whther should i really quit my job. And if I really did when should I quit... (Sianz must give 2 weeks notice) Kept on thinking until I fall asleep but still did not come to a conclusion yet.

Slept all the way to 11. I do not feel like waking up, how I hope I can sleep and forget about everything, but still I report to work at 12.

As expected, the news of me quitting has already spread around the workplace. Those who know me were asking me "Are you really quitting".I still do not have the answer myself... I really need help.

Another supervisor and the storekeeper were advising me to stay. They told me that I can request to work less days in a week. (How I hope I can be transfered to his department. HIs department is likes no worries at all.) On top of that, they told me that if I do not quit, I can easily be a teamleader when I graduate. (mimimum pay $1600)
*Is $1600 a lot? I really do not know.

I think I should go to sleep now, working morning shift tommorow...

flew into my heart at 11:43 PM

Although I have said it many times but I just cannot help it. I am just too lazy to blog. But nonetheless I have decided to return and I will try to make it a habit. (Hope that this will not be like the previous few times, san fen zhong re du...)

I have just return from Kl,actually not just but three days ago. At first the main purpose to go there is to shop and enjoy, but then the trip become more like a escape for me. I was quite depressed after my final paper. this is the first time I have so little confidence in myself, and I am starting to get worried. Will I be seating for a sub paper? I hope not... lets just pray hard.

Although the fear of taking a sub paper soughts of dampen my mood, I still managed to enjoy myself in Kl. Bought lots of clothings, ate a variety of food but I still enjoy the meal at the roadside stall. You will not be able to get the same experience in Singapore.

3D2N trip was finally over, that is when all the nightmares begin. The first thing I did when I reached Singapore was to call home to tell them we have safely arrived but instead of welcoming us back, the first reply was "remember to call your boss tommorow morning to check your work schedule" I totally sianz diao.

Maybe I should really consider whether should I quit my job or not. I am not really happy when I work there. Haiz... Can someone help me out.

Another thing... I just miss my GF too much. The day when I returned, she just left for Indonesia. 3 more days before I can sms her again.

flew into my heart at 12:32 AM


Welcome to my blog, hope you all will like it.


Dennis Lim.
18 years old.
Currently studying in Temasek Poly.
Live in a family of 4.
Have one idiotic younger brother.


Spending time with secondary school classmates.
Spending time with my cousins and Xiao Jiu.
Reading comics.
Eating, sleeping, practically everything other than those things I hate.


Projects and home work.
Apple polishers.
Currently only these, if there are more, I will add them.


My own bedroom.
Go on more holidays.
Have a younger sister. Woot!





*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*May 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*April 2009
*May 2009


pic | mini_ds aka can tiao hai | blog | blogskins |
layout *partial thanks to | chengcheng |
program | photoshop 7 | brushes |