Thursday, October 30, 2008

School was fine today. 1 lecture 1 tutorial, then over le. After school went to see my care teacher, to seek for more information on the financial scheme. Haiz… came for not a very rich family jiu no choice, must seek for these funding to buy textbooks and school stuffs. But still haven’t confirm will get it a not. More information will be given to me only by next Monday.

Went home, have dinner then off to work I go. Work was fine as usual for the first one and a half hour. But for the next hour, we were kept busy by a fucking stupid rat… (But not bad la, since I also got nothing to do) LOL One tiny rat kept the 5 of so busy, and in the end we still did not manage to catch it. No choice, tmr must call the PEST people to come down and settle it.

Haiz shall go to sleep earlier, such a long day tmr. From 9a.m. all the way to 6 p.m. then going to go jogging with xiao jiu. Time for me to lose some weight le. HAHA!

flew into my heart at 11:19 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WTF! Woke up too early today… Lesson supposed to start at 10 a.m. de. But then I see the time wrongly, 7 plus jiu leave house for school le (thought already 8 plus then going to be late). Sian la. Only when I reach school then did I realise that I was way too early. So I have no choice but to go to the library. Did my accounting tutorial homework there, so the time can be considered well spend.

School was fine today two lectures and two tutorials. And I finally met my classmates le. Not a bad class, but our class only got like 5 guys only. Quite pathetic la. But first day we jiu form our group le. Kan chiong spider sia. In fact only our group kan chiong la, gather all those smart and hardworking ones first. LOL. Out of the group of 6, 5 are my ex-classmates, so I think this project group will be a very good one. HAHA!

Decided to skip work today, cause there is way too much school works on my hands that I must settle first. A very good choice indeed. Spend my time reading newspaper, finishing up the undone homework and tying up the loose ends. Shall slack off a while first before continuing with my project.

flew into my heart at 10:43 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

School was quite ok, cause it is just a 2 hour tutorial for me. After that rush home then off to work I go… But before that I had a very rush dinner. Sian sia when can I have my dinner in peace… Haiz…

But never mind, that day will soon come. Just handed in my resignation form, and I will officially quit on 17th November. Cannot wait for that day to arrive. But I heard that my supervisor quite sad that I quit LOL!

Just have a chat with someone a few mins ago, then now I am super emotionally unstable… So I shall stop here. Haiz…

flew into my heart at 11:17 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

It has been one week since I stopped blogging... But I realize that life still has to continue even though she has left me.

First week of school was fun. Haven't met my new classmates for this semester, so I am really looking forward to this Wednesday. Actually a lot of things happen last week, but I can't really remember all, so i shall talk about the more significant one.

Service Skill Methodology (SSM):
LOL! early in the morning the whole class was being shouted at. Like WTF la. The teacher super strict. Over a small issue he jiu can scream like hell la. But really admire him la. Got 22 years of industrial experience, so he was quite of old school. And he can really shout for the whole day and feels nth la. But I know what he does is really for our own good. So I shall listen to all his teachings.

Saturday outing:
Went to Sakura again. HAHA. With the usual 5. Fun outing, then went to D house. Stay overnight all the way till today. This morning see Joey went jogging. Super funny la.

Went Bugis after lunch with Pris and her frens. Did not really talk much, but her frens super funny. LOL! Just remind me of the old days... Haiz...

Quit Job:
I have finally decided to quit my job le... But it was kind of too late... If I have just quit like 2 months ago, everything will be fine now... But I guess we can't go back onto the past...

flew into my heart at 6:49 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Have been feeling depressed these few days… Our relationship of 1 and a half year plus just ended. And I don’t really know why until now. Maybe there is no need for a reason for everything that takes place. Told me that we can still be friends. HAHA easier said than done. I don’t even know what to do when I am going to see her in school. Say “hi”  to her, I don’t think I will be able to do that… How I hope I can just disappear from the surface of the earth.

Still hoping that she can change her mind…

flew into my heart at 9:30 AM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not totally in the mood to do anything for the past few days, that explains why I have not been blogging. Actually nothing much takes place also.


Work is the same as usual. And I have a new haircut, to prepare myself for school. Sianz, 5 more days of holiday left…


Went for facial after work, with Xiao Jiu and Pris. LOL! Super pain la, though the pain is still bearable. In total it cost me $135. Don’t know should I say it expensive or cheap. But if the facial is not bad. I don’t mind. HAHA seems I am not the one paying…


Skipped work that day cause my face too ugly le. I think the customer see le also scared la… Have my hair dyed to chestnut color. Not really that obvious but I really like it. Thanks D. Haha.


Nth special took place.


Work was ok. Finally saw some effects of the facial le… But I accidentally scratched one of the wounds. Scared will leave a scar la. Sian…

Haha! Cannot wait for tomorrow to arrive.

flew into my heart at 11:44 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

WTF!! The big boss really super free, nowadays keep coming down to the store, walk one round then leave le. Like this also shuang. Just because of his arrival, he make us so busy, and his walk take less than 1 min la. CB la make me so angry le better don’t talk about it le, making me more pissed off only.

Decided to clean up the freezer of my work place today. It is like fucking messy la. I think one day I will get killed inside by the collapsing goods if I don’t start tidying up the place. But clear halfway my supervisor came and offer his help, ask me go do other more important things. Then in the end, he also never help. Just put the things back to the fridge. As messy as before. LOL! Must find one day when he is on leave then can i really start to tidy up the place.

Today just receive my pay slip. only about $600 plus, after deduction for CPF only left $500 plus… So little la.When will I ever reach my first $10,000… HAIZ!!! 7 more days

flew into my heart at 9:59 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yesterday night, come home mummy jiu start to niam le… Say why I nvr try on the pants before buying. WTF la!!! Also cannot try, moreover the pants fits me nicely. Can’t she see first before she starts to niam… Buay ta han sia. Forget about that since it is over.

Watch Super Band Finals yesterday. LOL! not nice at all de, so boring, waste of my time watching it… No offence, but I think it is a waste of money calling in to support your favorite band… Might as well call in and donate to those charity shows, though we do not really know if the money is really put into good use la…

Today was very sian. Normal routine, gaming, eat and sleep. Haiz!!! 9 more days of waiting…

flew into my heart at 9:09 PM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Don’t have the time to blog yesterday, (in fact is just too lazy…) But yesterday was fine. Work was ok. But I injured my kneecap, when the lockage bang my kneecaps against the locker. Pain sia… LOL! then today don’t have to work. After work,went out with Xiao Jiu and Ting to Bugis to buy present and have dinner. Was deciding whether to have dinner in Seoul or the Hong Kong cafe. Then we make the wrong choice of having dinner in Seoul. Food was not really that nice and we did not really eat a lot jiu full le. After that we went across to Bugis street and shop.

收货of the day: new facial cream wash ($10)

                      New shorts ($14)

                      Total expenses ($24)

Spend quite a lot sia…

flew into my heart at 1:23 PM

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Receive a present today…



Red Color Parker Pen, quite nice, but with our company logo on it. LOL! (Spoils the whole thing). Other than receiving this gift, work was as usual except for some penknife cuts and burns on my hands only (Getting distracted easily de outcome).

Wait there is one more interesting thing. Another person came for the interview. LOL Don’t really like her, cause she seems like those type who cannot work de. The first sentence I heard from her is “The heavy things can ask the guys carry ma” (I did not hear the conversation before this, but I am sure she is saying that I am going to carry the things, cause I am the only guy that is going to be in her department) WTF! la might as well let me get part of her pay for doing her job. Never lessen our burdens at all la. Pray that she don’t get hired please!!!

flew into my heart at 11:30 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Received my work schedule for this month le... WTF la This month also every Monday off. Argh!!! And now Sunday have to work from 7a.m. to 3p.m. WTF WTF WTF!!! Why increase the working hours. Why Why WHY!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!! I feel like I am going to kill someone now! I just need someone to vent my anger on, everything seems bottled up inside me. I just don't know why I am so angry... (Why my mood swings so easily?)

Maybe I should just calm myself down. Let nature takes its course...
Maybe it will be better that way.
Maybe I should not care about anything and best everything.
Only if that is even possible... Haiz!!!

flew into my heart at 9:45 PM

LOL! Now 1.21 a.m. le. But I still cannot get myself to sleep. Why Why WHY!!! ARGH!!!I just cannot relax and let my brain rest... A lot of things keep going through my head... Haiz!!! Sure going to have headache le. How to concntrate on my work.

But that is not the only problem. Having diarrhoea now. Went to the toilet for the fifth time tonight le... (Must be because of just now de steamboat. Never cook the meat thoroughly. Haiz! should have heed YL de warning and wait a little longer, then now don't need to suffer le) My legs are super weak now la... Like jelly like this. Surely going to have a terrible day ahead.

Really very unlucky these few days. Haiz! My goddess of LUCK has really leave me for good. Wonder how can I get her back...

flew into my heart at 1:21 AM


Welcome to my blog, hope you all will like it.


Dennis Lim.
18 years old.
Currently studying in Temasek Poly.
Live in a family of 4.
Have one idiotic younger brother.


Spending time with secondary school classmates.
Spending time with my cousins and Xiao Jiu.
Reading comics.
Eating, sleeping, practically everything other than those things I hate.


Projects and home work.
Apple polishers.
Currently only these, if there are more, I will add them.


My own bedroom.
Go on more holidays.
Have a younger sister. Woot!





*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*May 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*April 2009
*May 2009


pic | mini_ds aka can tiao hai | blog | blogskins |
layout *partial thanks to | chengcheng |
program | photoshop 7 | brushes |