Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One more day before my two days of break. Its like finally. Finlly can rest le.

Haiz today was totally a bad day a FUCKED up day. Damn that fucking customer. Cursed that when she walk that time fall down, roll down the stairs, take lift cables snap, cross road get bang by car, take train fall down onto track, at night walk home get rob, get molest, get rape, get murdered. best is that she die a torturous and ugly death.

flew into my heart at 10:37 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Was totally pissed off today... I was so angry until I feel like going out and punch the customer in the face. But I manage to control my temper and only shout at them.
Not entirely the customer fault, it is the environment and people around me that caused my bad temper.

The weather today is already super bad to begin with. It was freaking hot and I am perspiring like mad. I am already giving the facial expression "Don't Fuck around with me, I am alredy in a bad mood" But some idiots just don't get it. They pursposely want to mess around with me.

First case 3.45 p.m.
The new coffee machine arrived. My partner went for her break and I was left to work alone. There was not a very very long queue, but the food ordered requires time to prepare. Thus I do not have time to bother about the coffee machine. I just let the delivery man in to install it. Halfway through he knocked over the chocolate fudge, in the process, dirtying the fridge at the side and also the floor. No I am not angry with the man. people can be clumsy and people do make mistakes. Forgive and be forgiven. I just tell him you continue with your work I will clean up the mess after that meaning "when there is no customer or when my partner is back"

When my partner did come back, btw she took a rather long break than the normal standard one, she was quite fascinated with the new coffee machine but manage to pull herself back to work when she finaly realised that there is a long queue. But not long after that she finally see the chocolate mess on the floor, that is when all hell break loose. She make a big fuss out of a very small matter and she herself, a full time staff, become so panicky. She keep shouting who make the mess then keep scolding for around five minutes, practiclly doing nothing. After that she make herself so occupied with cleaning up, leaving me to handle the queue. Thats not all, while cleaning up she keep nagging and nagging until I want to give her a slap in her face. WTF la. A full time staff don't even know what is the appropriate thing to do. What can I say. Practically nothing.

Second case 4.30 p.m.
Btw she did not even clean up the mess properly. I was the one who did it. So can see from my face no smile at all, super black already. Then cam a bunch of loser who cannot read and in their dictionary there is no such word as queueing. That was when my volcano erupted and I keep shouting and shouting and give the customer the dulan face.

Third case 6.45 p.m.
My partner was supposed to go back at 6.30 p.m. but she stay back to help me because of the long queue. I do appreciate her help. but she become more of a nuisance than of help. The printer for the receipt broke down. She become so panicky again call supervisor la, trying to fix it la. And most importantly, she is standing at the counter but not serving the customer. So the queue just get longer and longer. I told her just key the orders, collect the money. When the printer is fixed, it will automatically print out all the receipt. But I think she don't trust me. Haiz what can I say. I cannot be bothered with her anymore, so I just start cleaning up the store and prepare for closing.

When the supervisor arrived he say the machine broke down then he will go get a new one and ask her to continue serving the customer. Then she begin all her nagging again... Say what today de Plu report and physical balance sure won't tally, sure very confusing one de la. Don't noe will shortage a not la. All sort of rubbish. But in the end also no problem.

Btw due to last time the shortage of $108, my reputation become very bad cause they believe that I was the one who caused it. Though not directly but they always hinted it.
Person A came to change money, I was the one changing it then she will tell my partner, person B, "Erm money must count properly later shortage again." Then give me the devilish stare.
Then if that day very busy and I am the one being the cashier most of the time, they will say, "Aiya today the stock sure won't balance one, don't noe will shortage a not"

flew into my heart at 10:25 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

15th May
In the end the aunty did not fall sick, but work was not that bad. Maybe its because there are not many visitors that day, so we did not need to communicate with each other alot. But her black face still did not change at all, look at her face jiu very sian liao... Deadbeaten after 4 straight working days, but I still manage to survive. Come home sleep all the way until morning.

16th May
Was supposed to be in school for classroom session at 10a.m. but I overslept so was a bit late. So we were just sharing our work experience and I realised that mine seems like the worst, most office politics, sickening collegues, irritating customers. Even the teacher can tell from just looking at my journal.

At least I got one good news to share. Our proposed event was selected by Sentosa Leisure Group and it will be executed. Such an honour that our project got selected out of so many groups. Now there is at least something to look forward to after internship.

After school went home slack a while then go out with Xiao Jiu they all. Main purpose is to celebrate Jeryl 18th birthday. So went to marina shop a while then go to bugis to eat steamboat. But his birthday like nothing special la. He just look so sian throughout the whole night, like want to die like this...

Wish to Jeryl: Erm 18 le please grow up please and be more matured. Dont be like GuNiang like this.

17th May
Have been losing temper quite easily nowadays and sometimes is over very trivial matters. For example today, I have 10 different accounts in which I shouted at customers or quarrel with them. I don't know why but I sense that something in me is slowly changing. I just cannot explain it. Maybe my tolerence has reach its limit, or have I become ore violent. I dont really know.

flew into my heart at 9:50 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009

9th May
Straight after work, rush to Katong to K. First time K-ing, didn`t sing much, but a very nice experience though.

Lets talk about work first. Everything was pretty normal and smooth. But I don`t know why everytime I see that aunty it just totally spoils my day.. Haiz! working with her this friday. Lets pray that she fall sick and couldnt come to work. Yea I am evil

10th May
After K-ing, Vic, June, YL and orange stayover at my house. I just realised that my cooking wasnt that bad when compared to them... LOL Guys u need to improve... Bridged, Unoed and finally cannot take it, we slept at 5a.m. Fun night:)

11th May
Have breakfast together with clique before making my way to Er Yi House to celebrate Mothers day. Though it is a celebration, I slept for most of the time... But at least I swam and went to the Gym.

Talking about exercising, Jeryl if u happen to read this... Please exercise more, or u sure will suffer in two years time...

flew into my heart at 10:35 PM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

上天注定。。。 自己创造。。。不!
人的命运只有一个。。。 。。。 死亡!


flew into my heart at 10:50 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time flies so fast... 3rd May will soon be over. But I am happy to say that this year birthday is super wonderful. Gathering with clique, having dinner together, I wonder how long has it been since we last do that.

You asking me how wonderful it is?
I bought my first MC just to enjoy my birthday.
I decided to make something for my friends to spread the joy. Though it fails but I am still happy.
I am happy that Yi Chang, Xuan Qi and Li Xuan came for the dinner.
I am happythat I had such a wonderful dinner.
I am happy that I am able to celebrate my birthday with Wen Zi.
I am happy that I received such wonderful presents from my friends, thanks alot love u guys.

But I am sad to say that my parents do not really understand me. A wonderful birthday to me does not need to be lavish with many presents, it about how happily I spend it.

Stop complaining about the $35 Consultation Fee, the $50 dollars unearned salary. The $85 is nothing, when you used it to purchase something that is priceless, the happiness and memories.

flew into my heart at 11:24 PM


Welcome to my blog, hope you all will like it.


Dennis Lim.
18 years old.
Currently studying in Temasek Poly.
Live in a family of 4.
Have one idiotic younger brother.


Spending time with secondary school classmates.
Spending time with my cousins and Xiao Jiu.
Reading comics.
Eating, sleeping, practically everything other than those things I hate.


Projects and home work.
Apple polishers.
Currently only these, if there are more, I will add them.


My own bedroom.
Go on more holidays.
Have a younger sister. Woot!





*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*August 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*May 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*April 2009
*May 2009


pic | mini_ds aka can tiao hai | blog | blogskins |
layout *partial thanks to | chengcheng |
program | photoshop 7 | brushes |